Alfinet Apps Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  • Alfinet LTDA ME. headquartered in the City of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, at Avenida José Rezende Costa, 453, sala 01, Saraiva, CEP 38408-010, registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 22.919.846/0001-62, hereinafter referred to as “ALFINET ”, responsible entity for the purposes of information protection legislation, hereby establishes its Privacy Policy:
  1. When registering on the website or using our application, we will store the personal information provided in your account so that, in the future, , we can provide you with a faster and more convenient service.
  2. If the information has to be used for a purpose that requires your consent, in accordance with the legal provisions, we will individually ask you for explicit consent. Once you have consented to the use of your information, you can revoke it at any time.
  3. Within the scope of legal regulations, we are able for the purposes of advertising, market research and improvement of our services to evaluate usage profiles under a pseudonym, only in the event that you object to this use of your data.
  4. Our services require the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of data stored by your browser on your computer. Cookies may store information about your visit to our website.
  5. It is the sole responsibility of the customers to provide correct, complete and truthful information, being responsible for any violations of intimacy, privacy, duties of secrecy, copyright and/or any other legally protected goods, exempting ALFINET from any responsibility regarding to such facts, aspects, rights and/or situations.
  6. It is the customer's responsibility to keep their computer environment safe, using available tools such as antivirus and firewall, among others, in order to prevent electronic risks and also to use updated and efficient software for access.
  7. If there is a change in current legislation, as well as in commercial practices, ALFINET reserves the right to modify its present private security policy.
  8. To enjoy the additional benefits of ALFINET and receive e-mails with offers and information about our services, you need to register at ALFINET.COM. This registration is stored in a protected and confidential database.
  9. Under no circumstances does ALFINET provide your data to any private organization, commercial or otherwise, except for outsourced aspects of our service through partner companies.
  10. ALFINET has access links to other sites that are not covered by this policy. Therefore, check the privacy policy of these sites, considering that your information will be managed in accordance with the policy of each of them.

Restrictions on use

  • The Services may not be used for the practice of acts considered illegal, abusive and/or contrary to morals and good customs. In cases of suspicion of the practice of such acts, the company ALFINET will block the said account, as well as terminate the contracts and communicate what happened to the competent authorities.

Limitation of liability

  • The ALFINET company is not responsible for the products and services marketed by the USER, so it cannot be considered as a supplier or part of the supply chain of such products and services, having no responsibility regarding:
  1. existence of risks relating to products and services, in particular with regard to dangerousness or harmfulness;
  2. insufficiency and/or inadequacy of information on the characteristics of products and services;
  3. misleading or abusive advertising, as well as coercive, unfair or abusive commercial practices against consumers;
  4. defects, defects in quality or quantity, or defects resulting from disparity with the indications contained in packaging, labels, containers or advertising messages;
  5. the ALFINET company, its affiliates, directors or employees will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including, but not limited to, consequential damages, lost profits, loss of data or other loss of property. intangible assets that result from the use or inability to use this service. Under no circumstances will the contractor be liable for any damage, loss or damage resulting from hacking (illegal access to the system), tampering or other unauthorized access or use of the service;
  • Neither does the contractor assume any responsibility for any:
  1. error, mistake or inaccuracy in the content of the information provided by the carriers;
  2. material, moral, or any other damages resulting from the access and use of our service;
  3. any unauthorized access to or use of our services;
  4. any interruption or suspension of the transmission of the service;
  5. any bugs, viruses, trojans or the like that may be transmitted to or through our service or by a third party.
  • The company AlFINET assumes no responsibility for compliance with the information, prices, terms and conditions, which, again, are obtained from data provided to ALFINET by the USER. ALFINET is not yet responsible for any damage or loss for sending information or advertising content, which has not been sent by the company itself, whether legitimate or unwanted (spam), nor is it responsible for the content of the opinions posted on your website, blog, applications and other social networks.


  • This term and all information, knowledge and/or data, whether technical or not, tangible or in electronic format, that in the course of the execution of this instrument have been or will be revealed by one of the PARTIES to the other and/ or their respective partners, employees, agents or contractors, will be considered confidential information, obliging everyone to keep confidential and prevent the disclosure of any information revealed under this contract, subject to the reservations below, when confidential information is:
  1. publicly known;
  2. prior knowledge of the opposing party, thus considered, the information that the party already knows before the first contact made between the contracting parties, and provided that the party can materially evidence this prior knowledge;
  3. the disclosure previously agreed between the parties is authorized. Failure to comply with confidentiality obligations will subject the infringing party to the application of the sanctions provided for in the legislation in force, without prejudice to the reimbursement of damages to those who cause it.
  • The obligation of secrecy provided for in this clause will remain in force even after the termination or expiration of this contract.

Technical Support

  • The USER declares to be aware that no open call in the technical support of the service provided by the company ALFINET will have a minimum response time guarantee.

System Failures

  • ALFINET is not responsible for any damage, loss or damage suffered by the USER and/or its customers due to:
  1. failures in the internet;
  2. system failures;
  3. connection failure (“link”) provided by the telecommunications company providing this service;
  4. necessary interruptions for technical adjustments or maintenance;
  5. emergency interruptions arising from the need to preserve the security of the system, aimed at preventing and stopping the work of “hackers” or aimed at implementing security corrections;
  6. suspension of the provision of services by determination of competent authorities, or for non-compliance with clauses of this instrument or; arising from the conduct of third parties, acts of God or force majeure.
  • ALFINET will also not be responsible for any virus that may attack the USER's equipment and/or its customers as a result of accessing, using or browsing the internet or as a result of transferring data, files, images, texts, videos or audio. .

Modifications to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

  • ALFINET may, at any time, change the clauses and conditions of this instrument, aiming at its improvement and improvement of the services provided, being the user's responsibility to verify these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy from time to time. from time to time, and if you do not agree with any provision, you must, at your discretion, stop using the tool, requesting cancellation.
  • For this purpose, any and all forms of communication carried out by ALFINET, whether by e-mail, social networks, or any other means of communication, will be valid.
  • All changes become effective immediately, from the moment of their publication.

Term and Contract Termination

  • This contract enters into force on the date of its adhesion, remaining in force until this subscription has expired or has been terminated.
  • Subscriptions will be automatically renewed at the end of each period, and the amounts related to them will be billed monthly, considering both fixed and variable amounts.
  • Unless otherwise stated, there is no grace period for contracting ALFINET's services, as well as for changing the contracted plans.
  • In the event of termination, there is no refund of amounts already paid to ALFINET and the USER shall bear the amounts referring to the contracting of the system, until the moment of effective cancellation.

General Provisions

  • The notifications to be made by ALFINET to the USER will be made through the e-mail address indicated by the USER in the registration form of his account on the platform.
  • The USER undertakes to keep such address updated, and must notify ALFINET of any changes.
  • The USER hereby authorizes ALFINET to send him messages notifying him about the provision of services, as well as billing notifications and advertising content messages about the services provided by the ALFINET company.
  • The USER is prohibited from assigning or transferring in whole or in part this contract or its object to any third party without prior and express notification to the company ALFINET.
  • ALFINET, in turn, may assign or transfer this contract or its object, in whole or in part, to any company of the same economic group as the ALFINET company or strategic partner without prior communication to the USER.
  • ALFINET's tolerance of non-compliance with any of the other party's obligations will not be considered novation or waiver of any right, constituting mere liberality, which will not prevent it from demanding compliance from the USER, at any time.
  • This Agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The parties elect the jurisdiction of the District of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, to settle any disputes arising from this Agreement, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be.
  • If you have any questions, please access our contact form.
  • We would like to hear your opinion about our services and on some occasions we may contact you. However, as we have already stated, if you are not interested in receiving our direct contact, just let us know.
  • This privacy policy supersedes all previous versions. We reserve the right to change the policy at any time.